Ne kete postim tek fashion stuff do te flasim per disa sekrete se si mund te kemi buze me volume. Se si edhe ne mund te kemi buze si te aktoreve pa perdorur operacione.
Te gjithe jemi te magjepsur nga buzet plot volum, sidomos te femarave te televizionit, per te mesuar se si realizohet kjo ne menyre qe i dashuri juaj te ngele me goje hapur shikoni videon ose lexoni etapat si me poshte:
Per te patur buze te plota dhe me volume eshte i nevojshem perdorimi i lapsit te buzeve i cili ndihmon ne:
1. Korrigjimin e asimetrise.
2. I jep volum buzeve
3. Fikson mire buzekuqin brenda kontureve te buzeve.
Pra, fillimisht fillojme me lapsin e buzeve duke i lyer ato si ne foton e meposhtme:

Me pas vazhdojme duke lyer pjesen e brendshme te buzeve sic tregohet edhe nga video.

Gjate ketij procesi do perdorni pluhurin fiksues eshte nje produkt ne luhur dhe transparent ne aplikim. Nese nuk keni kete perdorni pudren normale .

In this article at fashion stuff we are going to talk about secrets how to increase the volume of lips.
We are all fascinated by the lips full volume, especially of females on television, to learn how to increase the volume of lips so that your boyfriend remain breathless watch the video or read the steps below:In order to have full lips and volumes is necessary to use pencil edges which helps in:
1. Correction of asymmetry.
2. Gives lips volume
3. Fixes well within the contours of the lips.
So initially begin with pencil and lips painted by them as in the picture below:
Then continue by painted the interior of the edges as shown by the video.
During this process it will use fixative powder is a product transparent in application. If you do not have this kind of powder you can use the powder for normal use.
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