

Si te kemi buze voluminoze/ How to increase the volume of lips?

Ne kete postim tek fashion stuff do te flasim per disa sekrete se si mund te kemi buze me volume. Se si edhe ne mund te kemi buze si te aktoreve pa perdorur operacione.

Te gjithe jemi te magjepsur nga buzet plot volum, sidomos te femarave te televizionit, per te mesuar se si realizohet kjo ne menyre qe i dashuri juaj te ngele me goje hapur shikoni videon ose lexoni etapat si me poshte:

How to increase the volume of lips?  How to increase the volume of lips?

Per te patur buze te plota dhe me volume eshte i nevojshem perdorimi i lapsit te buzeve i cili ndihmon ne:

1. Korrigjimin e asimetrise.

2. I jep volum buzeve

3. Fikson mire buzekuqin brenda kontureve te buzeve.

Pra, fillimisht fillojme me lapsin e buzeve duke i lyer ato si ne foton e meposhtme:

How to increase the volume of lips?

Me pas vazhdojme duke lyer pjesen e brendshme te buzeve sic tregohet edhe nga video.
How to increase the volume of lips?
Gjate ketij procesi do perdorni pluhurin fiksues eshte nje produkt ne luhur dhe transparent ne aplikim. Nese nuk keni kete perdorni pudren normale .

In this article at fashion stuff we are going to talk about secrets how to increase the volume of lips.

We are all fascinated by the lips full volume, especially of females on television, to learn how to increase the volume of lips so that your boyfriend remain breathless watch the video or read the steps below:
In order to have full lips and volumes is necessary to use pencil edges which helps in:

1. Correction of asymmetry.

2. Gives lips volume

3. Fixes well within the contours of the lips.

So initially begin with pencil and lips painted by them as in the picture below:

Then continue by painted the interior of the edges as shown by the video.

During this process it will use fixative powder is a product transparent in application. If you do not have this kind of powder you can use the powder for normal use.

In this article at fashion stuff we talked about lips with volume, How can we have lips with volume, which are the secrets for this? If you enjoyed this article please bookmark our page to learn more about fashion stuffs, fashion tips, way how to dress, how to take care about your lips, how to do the makeup, the best hairstyles etc.

Fashion Tips

In this post at fashion-stuffs at blogger we are going to share our opinions about the way you should be dressed and how to follow the latest fashion trends. So shortly we will give you some fashion tips.

In this years all we know that there are many different fashion combinations that can be made thanks to the number of clothes that exist today on the market. And unfortunately if you see this in another point of view: this also creates a problem, because it can be difficult to decide what should be worn for a certain occasion(for party. for dinner etc). Now, the fashion tips that we will give you, will give you an idea of how to dress for any situation that you have in life.

 First of all maybe to you this does not looks to important but it is:when purchasing a jacket or coat, you should take note of the number of buttons because the buttons on a coat jacket should never exceed three. Furthermore, a jacket with three buttons should only have the top-most button buttoned. This is an easy step to take that and this will keep you looking fashionable all day long.
Another fashion tip: don't shy away from thrift stores. You may be reluctant to wear used clothing, but keep an open mind. If you don't have much money to spend on a new outfit, your local thrift store could prove perfect. Check out thrift stores regularly because for sure you could end up finding some unique, fashionable additions to your wardrobe. Searching in this stores may be a little exhausting or tedious but believe me from my experience and my girlfriend experience at the least you are going to find something good, something fashionable.

Another fashion tip:when you are wearing a 'little black dress' to work because you can not wear something else with colorful dresses because your boss does not allow you or your job ethic forbid you. But if you want to give it a different look for after work, think about pairing it with colorful shoes, a scarf or some nice jewelry. You will ask to put them since in the morning or after job. You can carry the accessories in your bag and throw them on before you leave work for the day.
Fashion tip: Another fashion advice is to make sure that you always carry along with you some emergency style tools and this is so important in case you need to get a stain out, if you pop a button, or develop stains from deodorant.  Remember that always have at least a few items such as tape or safety pins on hand.

The last fashion tip but sometimes and for me it is the most important: you are not the only one who sees your fashion sense. Everyone who sees you knows what you dress looks, if it is the appropriate one or not does it needs more work on it or not(almost all girl see that). You need to choose clothes that wow others, but you also need to wow yourself. The right dresses, shoes, jeweler or T-shirt can do that, and the tips in this post can make that happen for you.

The last tip: Bookmark because you will find other fashion tips, and of course you can find everything else about fashion stuffs.

You can share your opinions in the comments of our posts.

Make Your Skin Glow At Home

In this article at fashion stuffs we are going to write about some beauty tips for bride before marriage. We are writing this article while now is summer and usually the marriages are done during the summer.

So, lets show some Homemade Beauty Tips for Brides before Marriage. All we have in our mind the question: How To Make Your Skin Glow At Home.
In this moment when our dreams are becoming reality we want: Perfect menu, heartfelt vows, ideal dresses, but this are not enough because there is the necessity of having gorgeous, glowing skin. As we all know that during the entire wedding since from the moment when you walk down the aisle to exchange the vows to the first dance with your husband, the eyes of all the participant's will be looking your face. So is very important to have a beautiful skin especially in the wedding day. But some experts whose opinions we are showing here achieving this goal, having a beautiful skin it is not so difficult. 
Homemade Bridal Beauty Tips Before Marriage

Veronica Barton, a leading expert in skincare with a lot of years experience, says that in the wedding day, smooth glowing skin is an absolute must.
Expert skin care tips for glowing skin on your wedding day
Barton – Schwartz established skin and body care center in Malibu , California , where she uses her extensive knowledge to help clients look and feel their best. Is she prepping a celebrity on the red carpet or a bride on her big day , it helps customers get smooth , healthy skin that really shines . Here are his top tips on skin care for brides – to – be:

The first tip is to start three months ahead of the wedding day,
You should start preparing for this day, meaning preparing for your skin for at least three months before the wedding day. This time will give you the chance to have a clean, glowing and smooth skin for your big day-says Burton.  We are going to show yous some advice based on your age:

20: when you are a bride that is in her 20s, it is a big possibility to have acne in your face and discoloration from sun damage. You should do a deep cleaning of your face based on this video:  How to cover acne:
30th to: ” In your 30s and 40s , the skin needs exfoliating regularly , because it just naturally exfoliates every 35 days , as opposed to every 14 days in your 20s. This is the time to start using retinoids to help improve the overall texture and tone of your skin , ” she says .
40s and 50s : ” In your 40s , your estrogen levels are sharpened so your skin will be drier . You will need to add collagen building peptides morning and evening with your skin care regime . In your 50s , you will notice a loss of elasticity and will have stronger antioxidant treatments and moisturizers. The older you get the more important to use a good moisturizer under serum to help combat dry skin and loss of elasticity , ” she explains.

How to be a stylish man

In this post at fashion stuffs we are going to give some advices how to be a stylish man. There are a few basic rules or principles that makes you to look good. Are this principles that all stylish man adhere. Whether you wear sports clothes, a suit or a Mohawk, one of the most essential tricks for looking amazing is to cultivate habits that boost your style.

Once you include these principles in your life and they become part of your lifestyle, you will find women approaching you more often and other mans watching you with envy.  Let's start with the tips:Have a reliable barber and see them every four week. So you should start taking care about your hairs like in the photo is shown. Next tip on how to be a stylish man, is to treat your clothes with respect and they will look new longer. Buy wooden hangers for your closet and take care to space your clothes out in that way they do not crash. Next tip on how to be a stylish man is to buy multiples: when you find something that looks so good in your body, like it was made especially for you, buy at least two.

How to be a stylish man   . Next tip: have a reliable Dry cleaner: a brilliant dry cleaner is the secret weapons of a stylish man's. Next tip on how to be a stylish man: Shop often but buy seldom. When you are coming back from home you can pop up in a few boutiques to check if something nice is there, but buy it only when it makes you look great. Choose the best of the perfume for you, read here for more in this topic. best-parfume-for-you. , because women use smell as one way to decipher if you will have chemistry as a couple. How to be a stylish man Another tip is to bookmark some fashion stuffs sites like this, where you are reading, and check for the latest news in fashion.
How to be a stylish man
How to be a stylish man As you can see from the photos we have taken them from  and in this pictures is the known stylish man, John Abraham. You can find a lot of stylish man through the internet but we picked this one because it shows the different styles of man's. You can be a chic man, a sportive man or a man that is going to the beach.
How to be a stylish man

I hope you liked our article about different tips on how to be a stylish man, and as we mentioned before on our article , bookmark our page to read latest news about fashion stuffs, about ways to wear in different occasion, about the best perfume for you etc.

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